Sunday, January 24, 2016

Retreat is Back!

March 25-27, 2016 

Come to Cascade, Idaho and join us at the beautiful Ashley Inn where you will enjoy spacious rooms with queen sized beds, appetizing meals and lots and lots of crafting ! 

Bring all of your crafting projects and spread out on your own spacious 2'X6' table.  Enjoy music, food, door prizes, optional breakout classes (to be announced soon), and much more!  Cropping time will begin Friday, March 25th at 11am right  through Sunday, March 27th at 3pm!  That's a whole lot of crafting time without any interruptions!  Space is limited, so register soon!

Cost includes your spacious hotel room for 2 nights (Friday and Saturday nights), all meals on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday, fresh baked cookies and cold milk each night and lots of door prizes!
Optional breakout classes are at an additional cost. 

Register early for the best is limited!!

Your registration is official with a $35. non-refundable deposit due by February 15th.  Balance is due by March 1st.

Rates per person (if registered by February 15th):
4 people per room - $225.00 each
3 people per room - $235.00 each
2 people per room - $260.00 each
1 person per room - $385.

Rates per person (if registered after February 15th):
4 people per room - $250.00 each
3 people per room - $260.00 each
2 people per room - $285.00 each
1 person per room - $410.

Register by mailing a $35.00 check to:
Judy Eccard
1820 N. Trail Creek Way
Eagle, ID  83616

questions???  (208) 283-9585 or